Finnish Base Profiles
1.0.0-rc21 - qa-preview Finland flag

This page is part of the Finnish Base Profiles (v1.0.0-rc21: QA Preview) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example MedicationRequest: 2 tablettia aamulla ja 1 tabletti illalla 6 päivän ajan

This example does not validate properly. It has been imported from an implementation guide for the Kanta Prescription system, maintained by Kela, for the purposes of spreading information of existing implementations of this resource type. Do pay attention to the validation messages in the QA report of this implementation guide, before using this example. Also please track the Kanta FHIR Prescription R4 implementation guide for any changes in examples.

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest

Resource MedicationRequest "medicationrequestesim2"

Security Labels: urn:oid:

identifier: id: urn:oid:, id: urn:oid:

status: active

statusReason: 1 (unknown#1)

intent: order

category: 1 (unknown#1)

medication: Medication/medicationesim1

subject: Patient/patientesim1 " VAN DER HENTENRYCK"

authoredOn: 2019-10-16 18:44:16+0200

requester: PractitionerRole/practitionerRoleesim1


sequence: 1

text: 2 tablettia aamulla ja 1 tabletti illalla 6 päivän ajan

additionalInstruction: tähän tulee käyttöohjeen lisätieto ()

timing: , ?ngen-6?

asNeeded: false

route: 1055 (unknown#1055)



sequence: 2

text: 2 tablettia aamulla ja 1 tabletti illalla 6 päivän ajan

additionalInstruction: tähän tulee käyttöohjeen lisätieto ()

timing: , ?ngen-6?

asNeeded: false

route: 1055 (unknown#1055)





validityPeriod: ?? --> 2022-04-30 11:34:31+0200

numberOfRepeatsAllowed: 3

