Finnish Base Profiles
1.0.0 - trial-use Finland flag

This page is part of the Finnish Base Profiles (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Provenance: An imaginary example of a Provenance resource instance conforming to the imaginary metadata profile for Kanta system

Generated Narrative: Provenance

Resource Provenance "kanta-document-metadata-profile-example"

Profile: An imaginary profile for Kanta system, utilizing the Finnish Base Information Custodian profile

target: EpisodeOfCare/id-for-episode-1

recorded: Aug 25, 2023, 4:42:17 PM


type: Rekisterinpitäjä (ParticipationType#CST "custodian")

role: Julkinen (unknown#1)

who: : Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialueen rekisterinpitäjä


role: Palvelunjärjestäjä (fikanta-cs-rolecategory#8)


identifier: id: urn:oid:

name: Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue


role: Palveluntuottaja (fikanta-cs-rolecategory#11)


identifier: id: urn:oid:

name: Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue

Generated Narrative: Organization #jarjestajaorg1

identifier: id: urn:oid:

name: Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue

Generated Narrative: Organization #tuottajaorg1

identifier: id: urn:oid:

name: Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue