Finnish Base Profiles
1.0.0-rc15 - ballot Finland flag

Finnish Base Profiles - Local Development build (v1.0.0-rc15). See the Directory of published versions

Example Appointment: GP appointment

Generated Narrative: Appointment

Resource Appointment "appointment-general-practitioner"

Profile: FI Base Appointment

status: fulfilled

serviceCategory: SOTE9.2 (unknown#SOTE9.2)

serviceType: EEA (unknown#EEA)

appointmentType: 101 (unknown#101)

description: Kuume

start: Jan 20, 2023, 10:00:00 AM

end: Jan 20, 2023, 10:20:00 AM

slot: Slot/FreeSlot

created: 2023-01-20 08:45:15+0200


actor: Patient/patient-of-municipality " HENKILĂ–"

required: required

status: accepted


type: primary performer (ParticipationType#PPRF)

actor: Practitioner/PractitionerLicensedPhysician " DOCTOR"

required: required

status: accepted


actor: Location/LocationExample "Kirurgian poliklinikka"

status: accepted


actor: HealthcareService/healthcareService-example "Vastaanottoaika*"

status: accepted