Finnish Base Profiles
1.0.0-rc15 - ballot Finland flag

Finnish Base Profiles - Local Development build (v1.0.0-rc15). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

...0 Table of Contents
...1 Home
...2 Profiles
...3 Extensions
...4 Terminology
...5 Examples
...7 Version History
....8 Artifacts Summary
....8.1 FI Base Appointment
....8.2 FI Base Condition
....8.3 FI Base Encounter
....8.4 FI Base EpisodeOfCare
....8.5 FI Base HealthcareService
....8.6 Fi Base Immunization
....8.7 FI Base Location
....8.8 FI Base Medication
....8.9 FI Base MedicationAdministration
....8.10 FI Base MedicationRequest
....8.11 FI Base MedicationStatement
....8.12 FI Base Observation
....8.13 FI Base Organization
....8.14 FI Base Patient
....8.15 FI Base Practitioner
....8.16 FI Base PractitionerRole
....8.17 Fi Base Procedure
....8.18 FI Base Provenance
....8.19 FI Base Reason for Care (encounter-diagnosis and reason for visit)
....8.20 FI Base Schedule
....8.21 FI Base Slot
....8.22 Cause of an adverse effect
....8.23 Categorization of the type of accident
....8.24 Medication that caused this condition
....8.25 External cause for diagnosis
....8.26 Endocrinological disorder
....8.27 MunicipalityCode
....8.28 Patient Profession Extension
....8.29 Permanence of condition
....8.30 Type of physical exercise during which injury occurred.
....8.31 Primary condition for encounter
....8.32 RegisterSpecifier
....8.33 RegisterTypeCode
....8.34 Vaccination Recorder
....8.35 Organization - example of a parent organization
....8.36 Organization - example primary care organization
....8.37 Encounter - example primary care organization
....8.38 Biopsy of Colon procedure example
....8.39 Free slot (kertakäynti yleislääkärillä)
....8.40 Vaccination for TBE
....8.41 Outpatient clinic
....8.42 Licenced physician
....8.43 Licenced physician in primary care
....8.44 Procedure Colotomy example
....8.45 SNOMED CT coded Schedule
....8.46 GP appointment
....8.47 Codified healthcare service
....8.48 A named bed
....8.49 Encounter that is part of palvelutapahtuma
....8.50 Another Encounter that is part of palvelutapahtuma
....8.51 Condition - an example diagnosis
....8.52 Condition - an example diagnosis with external cause, accident and medication information.
....8.53 Condition - an example diagnosis with an adverse effect.
....8.54 Episode of care - with provenance
....8.55 Encounter that is a palvelutapahtuma in Kanta registry
....8.56 Custodian of information (rekisterinpitäjä)
....8.57 Encounter - patient primary care visit
....8.58 Encounter - patient is currently receiving care at a ward treating surgical patients
....8.59 Patient - with the MunicipalityCode extension.
....8.60 Kanta PHR - blood glucose optional
....8.61 Kanta PHR - Insulin dosage optional
....8.62 Kanta PHR - Insulin dosage mandatory
....8.63 Kanta PHR - blood pressure optional
....8.64 Kanta PHR - blood pressure mandatory
....8.65 Kanta PHR - body weight optional
....8.66 Kanta PHR - body weight mandatory
....8.67 Kanta PHR - calorie intake optional
....8.68 Kanta PHR - calorie intake mandatory
....8.69 Kanta PHR - carbohydrate intake optional
....8.70 Kanta PHR - carbohydrate intake mandatory
....8.71 Kanta PHR - exercise tracking optional
....8.72 Kanta PHR - exercise tracking mandatory
....8.73 Kanta PHR - MET measurement optional
....8.74 Kanta PHR - MET measurement mandatory
....8.75 Kanta PHR - physical activity optional
....8.76 Kanta PHR - physical activity mandatory
....8.77 Kanta PHR - step count optional
....8.78 Kanta PHR - body height optional
....8.79 Kanta PHR - blood glucose mandatory
....8.80 Patient generated glucose observations and insulin administrations as a bundle, in English
....8.81 Patient generated glucose observations and insulin administrations as a bundle, in Swedish
....8.82 Patient generated glucose observations and insulin administrations as a bundle, in Finnish
....8.83 b88191e3-ea47-4feb-9da9-e3b359fa8fca
....8.84 care-plan-optional
....8.85 Kanta PHR - patient 3
....8.86 MedicationAdministration example of insulin basal dose
....8.87 MedicationAdministration example of insulin dose
....8.88 MedicationAdministration example of temporary basal rate
....8.89 Myyntiluvallinen lääkevalmiste
....8.90 Myyntiluvallinen lääkevalmiste, joka on PKV-lääke
....8.91 1 tabletti 2 kertaa päivässä
....8.92 2 tablettia aamulla ja 1 tabletti illalla 6 päivän ajan
....8.93 1-2 tablettia kerran päivässä
....8.94 1-2 tablettia 1-3 kertaa päivässä
....8.95 Maanantaisin 1 tabletti ja tarvittaessa keskiviikkoisin 0,5 tablettia 01.06.2020 - 31.12.2020
....8.96 Lääke tauolla 1.3.2020 - 30.6.2020. Taukoa edeltävä annostus: 25 mg klo 08:00 10 päivän ajan ihon alle
....8.97 1 tabletti 2 kertaa päivässä 5 päivän ajan 15.1.2021 alkaen
....8.98 1 tabletti 2 kertaa päivässä 5-7 päivän ajan 15.1.2021 alkaen
....8.99 Tarvittaessa 2 tablettia 3 kertaa viikossa 16.2.2021 alkaen
....8.100 Tarvittaessa 1-2 tippaa 3-4 tunnin välein
....8.101 Kanta PHR - step count mandatory
....8.102 Kanta PHR - blood glucose result as text
....8.103 Kanta PHR - blood glucose with data absent
....8.104 A high level organization
....8.105 Testi terveysasema
....8.106 Simple Organization example
....8.107 Karen van der Hentenryck
....8.108 A simple practitioner role
....8.109 Lars van der Knaapi