Finnish Base Profiles
1.0.0-rc15 - ballot Finland flag

Finnish Base Profiles - Local Development build (v1.0.0-rc15). See the Directory of published versions

Example Provenance: Custodian of information (rekisterinpitäjä)

Scope and Usage

How to communicate Kanta custodian and register information

In this example Kanta custodian information (Finnish rekisterinpitäjä) is communicated in agent. It refers to organization via identifier, custodian registry is not part of finnish SOTE-organization registry (it uses it’s own registry so it might not exist as an organization resource.

RegisterTypeCode requires the registerTypeCode extension. It’s a coded value from following code systems:

  • Code for healthcare
  • Code for social care

RegisterSpecifier requires the registerSpecifier extension.

Use cases

Custodian, register type code and register specifier information is required when making Kanta Medical Records requests.

Generated Narrative: Provenance

Resource Provenance "id-for-provenance-1"

Profile: FI Base Provenance

RegisterTypeCode: Julkinen terveydenhuolto (Details: urn:oid: code 2 = '2', stated as 'Julkinen terveydenhuolto')

target: EpisodeOfCare/id-for-episode-1

recorded: Feb 7, 2015, 1:28:17 PM


*custodian (ParticipationType#custodian)